Club Application

If you are or were an employee of Norden, its predecessor or successor organizations, you are cordially invited to join the Norden Retirees Club (NRC)

The Club was established in 1988 to maintain contact with past and present employees of Norden; to encourage good fellowship among its members; to promote recreational, social, and community service activities; and to undertake any other worthwhile projects of interest to its members.  Members are kept informed of the Club's activities by a quarterly newsletter.  Current activities include:

Quarterly Newsletter (February, May, August, and November)
Quarterly Meetings (March, June, September, and December) held at the VFW in Westport CT. Lunch at a reasonable price is available after the meeting.
Spring Luncheon (April)
Summer Luncheon (June)
Annual Picnic (August) at Sherwood Island
Fall Luncheon (October)
Holiday Luncheon (December)
Access to the Members Only pages of this Web site

Spouses and/or guests are welcome at the social activities.

Cost of Membership: $15.00 per calendar year for those that choose electronic delivery of the Newsletter.  Postal Service delivery incurrs a $10.00 surcharge for the year.  Please doenload the membership form (download PDF form here). The membership form has instructions for submitting an electronic payment or payment by mail.

Please provide a brief input for a "Where Are They Now" section in the Newsletter. Tell us where you are living, why you decided to relocate (or remain) there, what you like (or dislike) about it, what you do to keep busy, etc.

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